Friday, 23 November 2012

My Brother the Devil social advertising

Facebook page

form of social advertising. This is a cheap and easy way to attract the films target audience. 

My Brother the Devil Sally El Hosaini interview

click here

This is an interview of the director of My Brother the Devil, Sally El Hosaini. She discusses the matter of how she raised money for the film, how many important film critics and directors laughed at the idea of a urban film based on everyday youth life in hackney and how she managed to work around the London riots.

My Brother the Devil official film trailer

My Brother the Devil film review

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Researching Swedes - The Exorcist

The reason why I like this sweded version of 'The Exorcist' in particular is mainly because it has managed to fit all key points of the original plot in to only a few minutes, and succeeds in being comedic at the same time. In particular, one of my favorite parts was how badly the shot where the 'girl's' head turns around cuts in the middle so that it can be 'believable'!

Blog on Production, Distribution and Exhibition

Media studies                                                   The film industry

The production.
There’s 10 main steps in producing a film which are rather important to the films development and they determine how many good reviews that the film receives.
Step 1: Film concept/ idea
this is the main foundation to the film it all starts from here. You need a concept so that you can focus and base the script on.
Step 2: writing your script.
Based on all the ideas you have chosen from you should start to put together themes and characters to give you an idea of what the script will consist of.
Step 3: creating a story board.
Draw a few rough sketches to get a sense of time and where each scene is going to come into play because timing is everything.
Step 4: funding for the film.
Each and every film needs a budget weather it’s to pay off the actors or if it’s for props and costumes because these small things make a big difference in presentation.
Step 5: finding cast/ crew.
This is obviously the main importance for a film to be successful.
Step 6: finding locations.
Now this is extremely important I find, because if you do not have an appropriate setting that doesn’t create the specific atmosphere that represents the theme than the film will be a flop and you won’t get that wow factor.
Step 7: creating a shooting script.
A shooting script is a script that contains the scenes in order of filming so that scenes are filmed depending on the location/ setting they are situated at first.
Step 8: schedule.
Make sure every crew member and actor receives a schedule along with a shooting script.
Step 9: publishing the script.
publish a script before shooting the film is always handy.
Step 10: filming equipment.
Depending on your budget film equipment should be to a high quality standard.

These are the steps in which a film undergoes during the distribution of it.
1)      When the film is completed it is sent to the studio.
2)      The studio makes a licence agreement with a distributer.
3)      The distributing company then decides how many copies/prints will be made.
4)      The print is sent to the theatre a few days before its release.
5)      The theatre shows the film for a specific number of weeks
6)      The theatre then sends it back the distributer company and gives a payment.
There are many different ways of marketing in the film industry from advertising on billboards to simply mentioning the film to a friend on twitter. Here are some of the types of marketing and how they are effective;
Print advertising:
things such as newspapers and magazines will catch the public’s eye very easily. Ways in which it is effective is that majority of the population read the newspaper every day that means there is a reasonable percentage of people noticing and reading your advertisement so this means more people will acknowledge your film and be more likely to go and watch the film.
Direct mail:
Even though direct mail advertising can be very useful and effective it can also be one of the down falls to advertising because unless you choose a neighbourhood where you know majority of the audience will be interested in the advertisement it is more unlikely that you will attract the right audience.
Tv and radio.
This is actually the most popular way for advertising any product. It is very effective because almost every single person owns a TV or a radio meaning they have easy access to one therefore leading to noticing the advertisement. Films are also particularly suitable for TV and radio because they can use sneak peeks to interest viewers or use as a cliff hanger and make great use of sound / effects so that it attracts the viewer/listener more.